Mangatawa Tūturu

Mangatawa Whenua

Mangatawa Tangata

Nau Mai, Haere Mai

Welcome to the official website of Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Incorporation

Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Incorporation is a Māori land organisation with an asset base of over $200 million. The total land holdings is made up of 11 land blocks with over 850 Shareholders and counting.

Beginning in farming, the Incorporation was an early developer of kiwifruit orchards and now has a diverse business portfolio including industrial ground leases, housing, retirement villages, beef farming, as well as kiwifruit orchards.
At the core of the organisation is a desire and commitment to drive prosperity for their shareholders and their families, so there is a strong focus on whānau, sustainability, and future generations.

Our News

Call for Nominations – AGM 2024

by | Jul 1, 2024 | AGM SGM,Newsletter,Our News | 0 Comments

CALL FOR NOMINATIONSNomination of Member of the Committee of ManagementMangatawa - Pāpāmoa Blocks Incorporation is calling for nominations for the Committee of...

Pre-AGM wānanga

by | May 30, 2024 | Our News | 0 Comments

Pānui April 2024

by | Apr 18, 2024 | Our News | 0 Comments

Update – Tertiary Education Grant extension

by | Mar 8, 2024 | Our News | 0 Comments

Pānui Whakanuia te tau 2023

by | Dec 21, 2023 | Our News | 0 Comments

Ebba Te Tua Scholarship

by | Dec 12, 2023 | Our News | 0 Comments

Tertiary Education Grant Application 2024

by | Dec 12, 2023 | Our News,Our Opportunities | 0 Comments

AGM Results 2023

by | Oct 26, 2023 | AGM SGM,Our News | 0 Comments

Election Results[pdf-embedder url="" title="MPBI 2023 Election Certificate...

He Pānui – Announcement

by | Sep 14, 2023 | AGM SGM,Newsletter,Our News | 0 Comments


Our Committee of Management

Our Stories

Annual General Meeting 2023

Our Whānau

The people and behaviours of Mangatawa distinguish us, with talented people enhancing the legacy responsibly through collaboration, determination and integrity.


We have a firm commitment to invest in the personal development of our people, and offer a range of opportunities throughout the year. There are growing opportunities to share your stories, apply for grants and clearer communication between the people and the business.