Call for Nominations – Nomination of Member of the Committee of Management

Home 5 AGM SGM 5 Call for Nominations – Nomination of Member of the Committee of Management


Nomination of Member of the Committee of Management

Mangatawa – Pāpāmoa Blocks Incorporation is calling for nominations for the Committee of Management. There are 2 vacancies to be filled by a vote of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of the Incorporation which will be held on Saturday, 30 September 2023 (AGM).

Nominations close midnight on Tuesday, 26 September 2023, being three clear days before the AGM. AGM information packs are due to be sent to all shareholders by Saturday, 9 September 2023 to allow for 21 clear days’ notice of the resolutions to be considered at the AGM.

Due to printing constraints, the AGM information packs must be finalised by Wednesday, 23 August 2023. A short profile about nominees, nominated and received by the Incorporation before Wednesday, 23 August 2023, can be included in the AGM information packs. The profiles must be no more than 500 words and can include a headshot photo if you wish. Nomination forms must be sent to Glenn Hawkins and Associates at the following address:



GHA Limited

Attn: Nero Panapa

PO Box 1712

Rotorua 3010


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