Our Papakāinga
Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Inc. is a registered Community Housing Provider. We are approved to receive Income Related Rent Subsidy for tenants who meet the criteria by being listed on the Social Housing Register via Ministry of Social Development – WINZ. Some government funding has been provided for the infrastructure and the building of rental whare.

The main criteria for the rentals in the papakāinga are to be whānau (shareholder) or uri (beneficiary) of a shareholder in the incorporation and be in serious need of housing. Sometimes the funding providers have criteria for the housing that they provide funding for e.g. whānau, kaumātua, sole parents.
There is a range of rental and License to Occupy homes as listed below:
- 12 x 2 bedroom kaumātua homes (65yrs and over)
- 4 x 1 bedroom kaumātua homes (55yrs and over)
- 12 x 4 bedroom homes for whānau
- 1 x 3 bedroom home for whānau
- 6 x 2 bedroom homes for sole parents
- 3 License to Occupy built in 2016
- 3 License to Occupy homes built many years ago
We do not very often have vacancies in the papakāinga which currently houses approximately 85 adults and 46 tamariki.
When there is a vacancy the housing team look at the waiting list to see which applicants the whare will be most suited for especially in terms of size and number of bedrooms. If the vacant whare will be suitable for more than one applicant, then we look to see who has been waiting the longest and make a shortlist of three or four. These three or four applicants will be asked to come to an interview to make sure they still need a whare and that they will accept any conditions the Committee of Management have set for living in the papakāinga.
A recommendation is made and with approval from the Committee of Management an offer will be made to the preferred applicant.
There is a zero tolerance for methamphetamine in the papakāinga and all rental whare are tested at the beginning and end of each new tenancy and at least annually during each tenancy. Testing is carried out by external appropriately qualified laboratory and reporting agencies. Presence of methamphetamine above the NZ Standard 8510:2017 (1.5ug) will always result in an application by the Incorporation to the Tenancy Tribunal to terminate the tenancy due to either illegal activity or damage to property depending on the level found. This is also a requirement by insurance companies.
Dogs are not approved to be in or around the papakāinga due to the presence of many young tamariki/mokopuna, and the health & safety of our maintenance team especially those working in the gardens and mowing lawns.